Contest rules:
- Any guitar maker of any nationality or age, will be eligible to submit an application for entry.
- Contestants who have already won 1st prize in past editions of this competition will not be allowed to enter.
- The jury will evaluate all the guitar features - not just sound and playability, but also structural details including a full evaluation of the interior and exterior “fit and finish”, rosette, quality of varnishing, bridge, heel, headstock, etc.
- The luthiers who take part in the competition must remove the instruments after the qualifying round daily, and during the rest times (for example lunch breaks). Luthiers must bring them to all following rounds in the case of being selected.
- The Foundation is NOT responsible for care and safety of the guitars, luthiers must take care of their instruments.
- The applicant will be responsible for the costs of his/her travel, housing and food during the duration of the event.
- The finalists and winners will be authorized in writing by the EGF to state on their labels of the award they have obtained.
-Contestants must know in advance that if they place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the contest, they must be willing to respect an international exclusivity agreement in Europe and the United States with Guitar Salon International for ONE year and 2 guitars. The exclusivity begins starting when GSI receives the first guitar. If there is compelling reason to sell to any other dealers on these two continents in this one-year window, winners must consult the topic directly with Guitar Salon International. This is to allow Guitar Salon International to make the necessary investment in maximizing the promotional effort on behalf of the winning guitar makers and to ensure the collaboration is fruitful to both sides. Additionally, 50% of the profits from the first prize guitars will be donated by Guitar Salon International to the European Guitar Foundation as continued support for the Antonio Marin Montero Guitar Making Competition.
- The jury´s decision will be indisputable and accepted by all the contestants.
- It is compulsory that the contestants participate in the activities which make up the contest, including meetings with the competition collaborators as well as paying a registration donation of €150 per modality (Only one modality: 150 euros, Flamenco & classical modality 150 euros each one=300 euros) to this bank account number:
La Caixa
ES84 2100 7035 3313 0009 1815
To be a contestant in this “Antonio Marin” competition, please send us an email with: your complete name, identification number in your country (or passport number), age, a screen capture or photocopy of proof of payment and biography as a guitar maker to
The instrument:
- It must be completely hand-made and finished in its entirety, solely by the contestant.
- Only 1 guitar per contestant/modality may be entered into the contest. The contestant can entered to the contest one flamenco guitar and one classical guitar at the same time or you can applied for only one modality.
- The guitar must be made in the traditional Spanish style. Those made with double top, nomex, carbon, etc. will not be accepted.
- The competition in 2024 will be for flamenco & classical guitars.
- The selection of woods and materials needed to build the instrument will be the applicant´s responsibility.
- The guitar must be fitted with nylon strings. No carbon, composite, or other are allowed. We recommend Pepe Romero Strings Sr. (High tensión) / GCNM (Medium tension) or Royal Classics Nylon String
- Wednesday, 30th July all day
10 h. Private and individual exhibition of the contestants guitars for David Collett, ‘Guitar Salon International’ President
- Thursday, 31th July all the day and Sunday morning if neccesary
10 h. Preliminary phase of the contest.
- Friday, August 1
20 h. Final and Awards ceremony with concert.
Once the presentation has ended, a guitarist will perform on the guitars which have made it to the final round. At the end of the performances, the jury will meet privately to deliberate on the awards. After the awards ceremony, when the jury´s secretary will make the results known, there will be another short recital with the winning guitar.
- Director: Mr. Vicente Coves. International concert artist. President of the European Guitar Foundation
- Presidents:
Classical: Mr. José Marín Plazuelo. World famous guitar maker.
Flamenco: Mr. Manuel Cáceres. World famous guitar maker.
- Mr. Yuris Zeltins. World famous guitar maker. - Mr. Javier Mengual. World-renowned guitar maker. Naestro Luthier en Alhambra Guitarras.
- Mr. Edmund Blöchinger. World-renowned guitar maker.
- Mr. José González López. World-renowned guitar maker.
- Mr. David Collett. President of Guitar Salon International in Los Ángeles.
- Classical guitarist: María Esther Guzmán. International Concert Artist.
-Flamenco guitarrist: Paco Serrano. International Flamenco Concert Artist. Catedrático de Guitarra Flamenca del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Córdoba
- Secretary: Mr. Alberto Cuéllar. Guitarrist & Ceo of Jitamen
3 awards will be given for classical and 3 awards will given for flamenco:
1st Prize: VII International Guitar Building Contest ‘Antonio Marín Montero’
- Guitar Salon International will purchase the 1st prize winning guitars for $4,000 each.
- Afterwards, Guitar Salon International (Santa Mónica - USA) will purchase two (2) additional guitars over a year period from both the classical and flamenco winning luthiers for the same amount, $4,000.
- Pack gifted by Stewmac
- One (1) Visenut case gifted by Visesnut Cases (Thailand)
- Strings gifted by Pepe Romero Strings (USA)
- Strings gifted by RC Strings
- Supporting certificate of the award
2nd Prize: VII International Guitar Building Contest ‘Antonio Marín Montero’
- Guitar Salon International (Santa Mónica - USA) will purchase the winning guitars and two additional guitars over a one year period for $3,000 each from both the classical and flamenco winning luthiers.
- Pack gifted by Stewmac
- High discount for purchase of Visesnut cases
- Strings gifted by Pepe Romero Strings
- Strings gifted by RC Strings
- Supporting certificate of the award
3rd Prize: VII International Guitar Building Contest ‘Antonio Marín Montero’
- Guitar Salon International (Santa Mónica - USA) will purchase the winning guitars and two additional guitars over a one year period for $2500 from both the classical and flamenco winning luthiers.
- Strings gifted by RC Strings.
- Pack gifted by Stewmac
- High discount for purchase Visenut cases
- Strings gifted by Pepe Romero Strings
- Strings gifted by RC Strings.
- Supporting certificate of the award
Questions? Send an email to (Vicente
DEADLINE: Open until 15th July 2025